Recently I was reading the passage where Jesus talks about the metaphor of John playing the dirge and Jesus playing the flute and that both attracted the critic.
In recent weeks I have along with others observed criticism from many types of Christian to others, both in print and digital. It is so sad. Some justify their criticism by saying what Jesus would or wouldn’t say or do, what car he might drive or what house he might live in. How would we know for certain how he would have ministered in a globalized world.
Sadly, defence and attack have dominated the exchanges.
So what might Jesus have said?
John came with a message of sacrifice and fasting, walking on foot, living in the wild, he was singing soul and he had an important and prophetic role to play.
Jesus came with a message of abundance and enjoying the good things of life, he sang the songs of a party and made wine for wedding guests. He said you don’t fast when the bridegroom is at the party.
The modern day equivalents would be that some come with a message of sacrifice and service and people say why does your God not bless you more while others come with a message of abundance and their life style matches it and backs it up and they get criticized for extravagance.
And what did Jesus say regarding this: Wisdom is vindicated by ALL her children.
This is the message of the kingdom. ALL her children. Not some, not them, not us but ALL.
None of us know all of the details of anyone else’s life or circumstances or how they are called to pursue their assignment on earth.
Wisdom is vindicated by ALL her children.
What does this mean? I believe that in part it means that we need to be less judgmental and critical. It will as a good friend of ours Larry Randolph says “take the whole church to bring Jesus home.” Yes it will and there are so many expressions, priorities and callings that we would do well to see that Wisdom is vindicated not in one way or by one group but by all of her children.
Let’s become more accepting, lets see the contribution of others, lets believe for a reformation that unites and let the world see us gather around the cross of Jesus and be perfected in unity as Jesus said we would.