Your Divine Purpose
“As the Father has SENT me so I SEND you.”
John 20:21
Every believer is SENT, but in my experience not everyone knows or feels SENT into their career, workplace, home, school or college.
I intend to change that!
To be SENT is an inner knowing, not dependent on outward expressions or public displays of value and appreciation, but an inner awareness and conviction.
It doesn’t always start or involve the laying on of hands or a clear heaven sent call, but is an inner assurance of being valued, of making a contribution to our world and the Kingdom of heaven’s influence in it.
It is my desire for every believer to KNOW that they are SENT. Being SENT is not just for those in traditional career church ministries but for EVERYONE in relationship with Jesus Christ.
Whoever you are – Whatever you do – Wherever you go
Because of my varied careers it has always been a focus of mine, but the response to my declaration in May 2008 that SURGERY IS NOT A SECOND CLASS HEALING turned it into a passion, not just for Health Care Professionals but for every believer.
Why? Quite simply if we don’t believe this we are in danger of seeing ourselves as 2nd Class Ministers compared to those with titles in the church. It was the surgeons and health care professionals who reinforced this message and caused me to finally start to build this community.
The increased attention being given to Reformation and Renaissance also motivates me to do this because:
A REFORMATION or SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION of SOCIETY requires that every believer knows that they make a difference whatever sphere of influence they work in. Without them, this will not happen.
A NEW RENAISSANCE which I describe as new expressions of CREATIVITY and INVENTIVENESS which gives Glory to God, requires that the artists, inventors, innovators and all in media know that they have a vital place in seeing this happen in every sphere of society.
YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE is a monthly online school
YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE is an online community (Constant access)
YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE is a growing catalogue of resources
YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE is a coach, helping you find the best SENT version of You. Monthly Newsletters will guide you on a coaching journey.
The goals of YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE are:
Every Believer to know that they are a 1st Class minister of the gospel of the Kingdom.
For everyone to know how to take their place in extending the influence of King Jesus
For the church to be an APOSTOLIC FAMILY. A Community where people:
The erasing of the secular/sacred division.
Knowing who they are
Knowing why they are alive
Knowing where they are going
Knowing the impact their lives have
Being 1st class ministers of the gospel of the Kingdom
Knowing where home (family & belonging) are
Living lives of pursuit
Living out of encounters with God
Carrying Kingdom Culture (the nature of God)
Accessing the keys of the Kingdom