Someone recently asked why I hadn’t written anything on my blog about Downs syndrome recently. I replied that there wasn’t a reason, I just hadn’t although maybe my subconscious was also very aware that some of what I had written had been painful or controversial for some families.


I have never set out to be controversial, in fact my life has more often gone in the opposite direction of avoiding controversy or causing offense.


But as this new Mum of a young boy born with Downs syndrome talked to me I knew that I must continue to stand with those families who are praying for a miracle healing for their child. I did not choose this assignment, although I am very happy to run with it. I have told my story of unusual circumstances and divine coincidences, there are just too many for me to ignore and I have seen enough breakthrough to encourage me not to stop.


Last year I was honored to baptize a young boy of about 6 years of age who has a diagnosis of Downs syndrome. It was my first ever baptism and I couldn’t have chosen better. He and his family are one of the most beautiful families I know, full of faith, love and dedication in particular to prayer. They and many other families found themselves in a position that they would not choose but now embrace, they are living in the tension of believing that God heals and loving and caring for this bright Jesus loving son.


I do not have a child with Downs syndrome and I will never fully know what that really feels like but I have now met with and prayed for many children and their families. Not all I know will have the same experience or emotions and certainly not all agree with me in praying for complete healing if the family so wish. But what I do know is that these families need champions who will stand with them in their journey. For some there is grief, lost hopes of children growing up and possibly not being fully independent. Others who are praying for healing have been disowned by friends and family, the list of pain points goes on. So what I do know is this, these families face so many challenges and I do not want to cause any more pain for them. And so this blog is an example of what I call Divine tension, I do not know all of the answers but I know someone who does and has paid the price for everything not aligned with heaven to be realigned.


I do not write this blog for a debate, so please don’t use it to argue a point, but please use it to give strength to each other and gain strength for yourselves on the journey of loving children born with Downs syndrome.


Some of you believe that to pray for your child to be healed is rejecting that child as a person. I understand and honor that position. I pray wisdom and strength for you as you raise your children. And for those others who are praying for the effects of Downs syndrome to be healed I will continue to pray and contend with you for your breakthrough which I do believe was paid for at the cross.


I do not wish to be contentious but I do desire that every one of you has access to all that heaven has to offer for you and your children.