Sue & I have just had the absolute privilege of attending the 20 Year Annivsersary of The Toronto or Fathers Blessing…..

20 years ago we watched from afar and longed to go. Finances and circumstances prevented us but it hasn’t prevented our lives being completely changed because of what God did then and the faithful ministry of those affected by it.

We are never the same, our journey to Bethel a direct result of that effect. And now we find ourselves visiting Catch the Fire as one of our “homes’ and spending time with people who have become our friends. We are beyond blessed!

Our love and respect begins with John & Carol Arnott. Their stewardship and relentless pursuit of the Holy Spirit is the great gift which they have given to the church, we are honored to call them friends.

This is a unique revival, it has outlasted many that have gone before but it is merely a foundation. We Love in extraordinary times, the fruit of Toronto includes Heidi Baker & Leif Hetland to name but two, nations like China and Romania have been impacted because of those transformed on the carpet of Toronto, we can only believe that the next twenty years will eclipse the incredible outcomes of the last twenty.

It has been a great and refreshing trip and we have so much to look forward to and such a great family of which we are a part. The meetings are all available on youtube and every one which we heard is worth listening to.

If you didn’t get there, enjoy but don’t give up hope of being a part of this yourself. It took us 17 years to make our first visit, it was worth the wait.