Everyday Priests
The temptations which many of us face are to divide our lives into ministry and everything else or to embrace a secular and sacred division. For the societal transformation which we pray for to happen we all need to take our place as ministers, everyday priests, who know the value which we bring to the kingdom in our daily lives and work. There should be no division, no sense that there are first and second class ministries and jobs.
We are all kings and priests, whoever we are, whatever we do, wherever we go.
Everyday Priests – Next Webinars
We are rescheduling the dates for the webinars and will keep you updated. You will receive the updated information with our newsletter.
Thank you for your understanding.
`The temptations which many of us face are to divide our lives into ministry and everything else or to embrace a secular and sacred division. For the societal transformation which we pray for to happen we all need to take our place as ministers, everyday priests, who know the value which we bring to the kingdom in our daily lives and work. There should be no division, no sense that there are first and second class ministries and jobs.
We are all kings and priests, whoever we are, whatever we do, wherever we go.