Hope is the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. The whole Bible is about hope. We see that faith and hope are both born out of love and we know that Christ in us, is the hope of glory. The Apostle Paul says that there is “Faith, hope and love… and the greatest of these is love.” Why is love the greatest? Love is borrowed from eternity, but faith and hope are from right here, meaning we won’t need these in heaven. Hope is the child of love. It is an invitation for heaven to come. Hope is the sketch on the canvas which invites or attracts the master painter to complete the painting.

Therefore, hope is a culture and so is a way of life. Are we choosing hope? Are we choosing life? Are we living with the knowledge of heaven being invited to earth by being hopeful? If you feel you are in a place of hopelessness, keep pursuing God and let people in. Let them love on you. You will see hope start to come in!

The enemy loves bringing hopelessness, which is hell invading earth. Hopelessness is a relative of an orphan spirit, because it denies the God of All Hope. Proverbs tells us that ‘hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.’ Not being hopeful will make us sick, but where there is hope there is life. Romans tells us that ‘hope does not disappoint.’ We will never be disappointed when hope is present. Hope brings joy.

By being around people that share and empower the gold inside of you and people who speak of God’s goodness all of the time in any situation, hope will grow in you. People speaking into where you are in life and speaking into where you are going and what God has for you will help bring hope in. Suddenly, you find you are starting believing that there is hope for you and the situation you are in. We must choose hope and life constantly.

My prayer for you is that you become more aware of the impartation of love that is in you. Always remember what a privilege it is to be in relationship with Him who is for you. Let us pursue ongoing experiences of the Father’s love – and see how that raises the level of hope in our lives even more.

You can find further reflections on hope on this teaching, located here:
